A WASI-like extension for Tensorflow
AI inference is a computationally intensive task that could benefit greatly from the speed of Rust and WebAssembly. However, the standard WebAssembly sandbox provides very limited access to the native OS and hardware, such as multi-core CPUs, GPU and specialized AI inference chips. It is not ideal for the AI workload. The popular WebAssembly System Interface (WASI) provides a design pattern for sandboxed WebAssembly programs to securely access native host functions.…
RustJavaScriptWebAssemblyNode.jsGolangDaprVercelNetlifyAWSTencentFaaSRust FaaSServerlesscloud computingAITensorflow
Enable AJAX access for Tencent Serverless Cloud Functions
An important use case of serverless functions is to act as endpoints for AJAX calls from HTML web pages. This way, we can build truly “serverless” web applications with static HTML + JS pages on the front end, and serverless functions on the backend. A good example is this web page for fitting and plotting eigenvectors, a common machine learning task, on a 2-D data set. The web page calls a WebAssembly-based Tencent Serverless Cloud Function via AJAX.…