How did ChatGPT put code reviews on steroids for this open source community?
Reviewing PRs (GitHub Pull Requests) is one of the most important, yet time-consuming and thankless, jobs open-source maintainers must do on a regular basis. Accurate and speedy review of PRs is not only essential for the cadence of software development but also critical for the moral of the contributor community. The WasmEdge community (a leading WebAssembly Runtime under CNCF and Linux Foundation) recently added a ChatGPT-based PR review bot in our open source GitHub repo.…
Build the future of cloud computing with WasmEdge via GSoC
Google Summer of Code 2023 is accepting applications with WasmEdge as a featured open source project with two available projects. By participating, you'll have the opportunity to work on WasmEdge and contribute to the evolution of cloud computing. GSoC is a global, online mentoring program that introduces new contributors to open source software development. Through GSoC, you will gain valuable experience in real-world software development while being compensated for your efforts and time!…