WasmEdge @ KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe 2022
KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe 2022 is around the corner. WasmEdge community members will be there and giving talks! It's time to say Hi virtually or in person if you are around. There are two WasmEdge-related talks on this year’s KubeCon + CloudNativeCon. They are on how to develop and manage Wasm apps. Cloud Native Wasm Day Time: May 16, 2022 11:05 - 11:35 CEST Topic: Run JavaScript, Python, and Ruby in WebAssembly…
🥳 Contribute to the WasmEdge Project via the CNCF LFX Mentorship Summer Term 2022
LFX mentorship Summer(similar to GSoC) is coming. Contribute to the WasmEdge project. Make your mark in Open Source, and earn a stipend of $3000 to $6600! Click here to learn about sonder-joker's journey on WasmEdge LFX mentorship。 A brief introduction of WasmEdge WasmEdge is a cloud-native WebAssembly runtime hosted by the CNCF. It is widely used in modern web application architectures (Isomorphic & Jamstack applications), microservices on the edge cloud, serverless SaaS APIs, embedded functions, smart contracts, and smart devices.…
🤖 CNCF LFX Mentorship: From knowing nothing about cryptography to implementing wasi-crypto in WasmEdge
Author: sonder-joker WasmEdge is selected for GSoC 2022 through LFX Mentorship. Application open until 19th April, 2022. Come apply now. I'm a BSc software engineering student who likes open-source, software infrastructure, and challenging work. I applied for the WasmEdge CNCF LFX Mentorship Fall 2021 to support the WASI-Crypto proposal. The reason why I chose this project was that I wanted to participate in the development of an open-source project for some challenging work.…
🤖 How to Use Wasm to Add UDFs to the Database
By arcosx, a senior software engineer in charge of Machine Learning platform at Baidu. Introduction UDF (User-defined function) is the type of function users can customize. In databases, UDF represents a mechanism for extending the capabilities of a database service by adding a function. Wasm (WebAssembly) is a new format that is portable, small, fast loading, and compatible with the Web. In recent years, Wasm has not only been widely used on the front-end, but has also played an increasingly important role on the server-side.…
How to Extend WebAssembly with Host Functions
By DarumaDocker,WasmEdge Contributor in charge of the development of WasmEdge-bindgen WebAssembly was developed for the browser. It gradually gain popularity on the server-side, but a significant disadvantage is its incomplete functionality and capability. The WASI proposal was initiated to solve these problems. But the forming and implementation of a standard is usually slow. What if you want to use a function urgently? The answer is to use the Host Function to customize your WebAssembly Runtime.…
Women in Open Source: Take a Female Perspective
Today is March 8th, International Women's Day, a festival to celebrate women's important contributions and great achievements in different fields of society. With a growing number of females taking interest and getting good at coding, women are playing an increasingly important role in the IT industry. Today, let's take a closer look at the stories of the female developers who contributed to or are developing the WasmEdge project, so as to see the perspectives of women in open source.…
😎 WasmEdge 0.9.1 is released! Better networking support, Android support, better developer experience, and more.
WasmEdge 0.9.1 is released! This release features integrated high-performance networking, JavaScript streaming SSR and Fetch API support, a new bindgen framework, Android and OpenHarmony OS support, expanded Kubernetes support, and improved memory management. WebAssembly extensions Streaming SSR functions Android and OpenHarmony Kubernetes Bug fixes and performance enhancements WebAssembly extensions WasmEdge aims to support all standard and optional standard WebAssembly extension proposals. It also supports non-standard and experimental extensions that are important to cloud-native use cases, such as networking and data passing.…
ProductWasmEdgeWebAssemblyRustServerlesscloud computingSocketCNCF
🤖 Contribute to the WasmEdge Project via the CNCF LFX Mentorship Spring Term 2022
Contribute to the WasmEdge project. Make your mark in Open Source, and earn a stipend of $3000 to $6600! WasmEdge is a cloud-native WebAssembly runtime hosted by the CNCF. It is widely used in edge computing, automotive, Jamstack, serverless, SaaS, service mesh, and even blockchain applications. WasmEdge is written in C++, and has SDKs for C/C++, Rust, Golang, and JavaScript. We welcome all types of contributions — code, docs, integrations, specs, examples!…
Use Kubernetes and kind to Manage WebAssembly Apps
This article is based on Sven Pfennig’s presentation at the WasmEdge Community Meeting in Jan 2022. Pfennig discussed why and how to run WebAssembly apps in a Kubernetes cluster. Using kind and WasmEdge, he showcased a simple solution. Please watch the original video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-oumohWVgSI&t=493s Background kind is Kubernetes In Docker, that is, to deploy all the components required by Kubernetes in a docker container. kind is a simple and easy-to-use version of Kubernetes, often used in local testing use cases.…
Brand New Website and Docs for WasmEdge in the New Year
Hello WasmEdge Community, We are excited to launch 🚀 a brand new website and our all-in-one documentation book for the WasmEdge project. Our goals are to make it easier for new developers to get started with WasmEdge, and for existing developers to discover new features and unlock new skills. As part of the official documentation set maintained by the WasmEdge team, the WasmEdge book is the most comprehensive guide on WasmEdge.…